Research Projects

Current and recent research projects

The Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine: an innovation ecosystems analysis and its policy implications

This is a study of the vaccine developed at Oxford University, and explores the policy implications for dealing with future crises.

Innovation in Professional Services Companies

This was a study of the transformational changes in the approach to innovation in PwC UK.

The past, present, and future of fusion energy

This is a project on innovation and fusion energy, and will lead to a book co-written with the Chair of the UK Atomic Energy Authority.

Playful Entrepreneurs.

This has led to a r book, written with David Gann, entitled: The Playful Entrepreneur: How to adapt and thrive in uncertain times, published by Yale University Press in 2018, and as a paperback in 2021.

The book uses contemporary and historical cases of innovators and entrepreneurs to demonstrate how and why they play and how this holds lessons for everyone at work confronted by turbulence and uncertainty.


Universities and Artificial Intelligence: This is a work-in-progress, conducted with David Gann, examining the impact of AI and machine learning on university research, teaching, external engagement and administration.

Strategic management of Universities: This was a project undertaken with Markus Perkmann, Nelson Phillips and David Gann, concerned with the management of hybridity: maintaining the aims and objectives of public science whilst encouraging engagement with industry. The study uses the case of Imperial College London. 

Innovation in Large, Complex Projects.

This work, conducted with Andy Davies, David Gann and Sam MacAulay, examines the importance and nature of innovation in the delivery of large infrastructure projects, such as Crossrail and Heathrow Terminal 5. Various papers have been published, submitted and are in preparation.

Strategies for Integrating Fine Arts and Manufacturing in England c1750-1850.

Conducted with Catherine Casson, this project explores the early industrialization of the cotton,silk and pottery industries, and how manufacturing and arts were integrated to "add beauty to utility".

Innovation in China.

With Marina Zhang and Guo Lei, research has been undertaken on Huawei's innovation strategy. Research has also being undertaken on new forms of patent analysis and on a study of distributed institutional entrepreneurship in mobile payments in China and Korea. A book Demystifying China’s Innovation System: Chaotic Order, with Marina Zhang and David Gann was published by Oxford University Press in 2022.

Assessing the performance of cluster ecosystems: An exploratory framework.

With Anne ter Wal, Chris Corbishley and David Gann, we have developed a framework for examining the formation and performance of cluster ecosystems.