This book, published in 2022, is the result of a very long term research partnership with Marina Zhang. It shows how innovation is central to China’s economic development, and how the nation deals with innovation in the future will be critical for its relationships with the rest of the world.
This book, published in 2020, explores the close relationships between philanthropy, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Published in September 2018, this book introduces the notion of the Playful Entrepreneur and how they provide a new way of thinking about work today.
This is the second edition of the best-selling short introduction to innovation. Published in August 2018, it is completely updated. The series of these books have now sold over 10 million copies and are concise, convenient and cheap! It has been translated into Italian, Portuguese, Malay, Arabic, Chinese and Spanish.
This is a reprint of a book I wrote 25 years ago. It is interesting that with ideas such as the 'collaboration paradox' it still has relevance today.
In this 2018 book I summarize the state of knowledge on innovation management research and suggest a future research agenda.
In this 2016 four-volume collection, I include 90 articles chosen to represent the state of knowledge of innovation management research.
The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, Mark Dodgson, David Gann and Nelson Phillips, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.
Individual chapters:
Innovation: A Very Short Introduction, M. Dodgson and D. Gann, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Translated into Italian, Portuguese, Malay, Arabic, Chinese.
High-Tech Entrepreneurship in Asia: Innovation, Industry and Institutional Dynamics in Mobile Payments, M. Zhang and M. Dodgson, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2007.
The Management of Technological Innovation: Strategy and Practice, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, A. Salter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Think, Play, Do: Technology, Innovation and Organization. M. Dodgson, D. Gann, A. Salter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. (Translated into Japanese, Kayo Sheba Publishers, 2007)
The Management of Technological Innovation: An International and Strategic Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. (Translated into Italian, ESEDI, 2003).
The Handbook of Industrial Innovation. M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell (eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1994. (Translated into Chinese, Tsinghua Press, 2000).
Effective Innovation Policy. M. Dodgson and J. Entrant, London, Routledge/International Thomson Business Press, 1996.
Technological Collaboration in Industry: Strategy Policy and Internationalization in Innovation. London: Routledge, 1993
The Management of Technological Learning. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1991.
Technology Transfer Mechanisms in the UK and Leading Competitor Nations. R. Rothwell, M. Dodgson, S. Lowe. London: NEDO Books, 1989.
Technology Strategy and the Firm. Management and Public Policy. (ed.), Harlow: Longman, 1989.
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