Monographs and major public reports
Translating research for economic and social benefit: country comparisons. Bell, J., Dodgson, M., Field, L. Gough, P. and Spurling, T. (2015). Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies.
Towards the fully engaged university: The particularly Australian challenge. (2015), Manchester, UK: British Council.
The Role of Science, Research and Technology in Lifting Australia’s Productivity Bell, J., Frater, B., Butterfield, L., Cunningham, S., Dodgson, M., Fox, K., Spurling, T. and Webster, E. (2014). Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies.
From the Digital Divide to Inclusive Innovation: the Case of Digital Money, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, I Wladawsky-Berger, G. George, Royal Society of Arts Pamphlet, Royal Society of Arts, London, (2013).
Systems thinking, market failure, and the development of innovation policy: The case of Australia. Centre for Business Research Working Paper 397, University of Cambridge. And UQ Economics Discussion Paper No. 403: Department of Economics, University of Queensland. M. Dodgson, A. Hughes, J. Foster, J. Metcalfe. 2012
Innovation Technology: How New Technologies Are Changing The Way We Innovate, D. Gann and M. Dodgson, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, London, 2007.
Australian Innovation in Manufacturing: Results from an International Survey. M. Dodgson and P. Inner, Australian Business Foundation, Sydney, July 2006.
Innovation in China: Harmonious Transformation, S. Gu and M. Dodgson (eds.) Special Issue. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, Vol 8, No 1-2, 2006. Released as Co edited book.
Innovation and Economic Development: Lessons from Latin America. G. Dutrenit and M. Dodgson (eds.), Special Issue. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, Vol 7, Na: 3, 2005. 348pp Released as an edited book.
'Enabling the Virtuous Circle: Identifying and Removing Barriers to Entrepreneurial Activity by Health and Medical Researchers in the Higher Education Sector'. R. Johnston, M. Matthews, M. Dodgson. Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, November 2000.
Innovation and Globalization in the Australian Minerals Industry. M. Dodgson and S. Vandermark, Australian National University, July, 2000.
Technology-Based Competitiveness and Strategic Linkages Between Large and Small Finns in Blitain and Japan: The Case of Multimedia. M. Sako, M. Dodgson and J. Sapsed. Final report for a project funded by National Institute of Research Advancement (MITI) and the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, July 1994. ppl 189.
Linking for Success. Making the Most of Collaborative R&D. E. Arnold, K. Guy, M. Dodgson. London: National Economic Development Office/Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1992.
The Management of Technological Collaboration. London: Centre for the Exploitation of Science and Technology, 1991.
Celltech: The First Ten Years of a Biotechnology Company. Special Report, SPRU, University of Sussex, 1990.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology in the Small Firm—Variation in Use and Lessons for the Flexible Organisation of Work. London: Technical Change Centre, 1985.