Journal articles
“Managing Technology-Enabled Innovation in a Professional Services Firm: A Cooperative Case Study”, M. Dodgson, S. Ash, J. Andrews, and N. Phillips, (2021), Academy of Management Discoveries, 2021,
“The strategic management of technology and innovation” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press. 2020. doi:
“Designing for innovation: Cooperation and competition in English cotton, silk and pottery firms c. 1750-1860”, C. Casson and M. Dodgson, Business History Review, 93, 2: 247-273, 2019.
“Huawei's catch-up in the global telecommunication industry: innovation capability and transition to leadership”, L. Guo, M. Zhang, M. Dodgson, and D. Gann, D. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 31, 12: 1395-1411, 2019. doi: 10.1080/09537325.2019.1615615
"Seizing Windows of Opportunity by Using Technology-Building and Market-Seeking Strategies in Tandem: Huawei's Sustained Catch-up in the Global Market" L. Guo, M. Zhang, M. Dodgson, D. Gann and H. Cai, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36, 849-879, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10490-018-9580-1
“Bringing innovation into large, high risk projects', A. Davies, M. Dodgson, D. Gann and S. MacAulay, S., MIT Sloan Management Review, August, 59, 1: 73-78, 2017.
“Innovation in firms”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 33, 1: 85-100, 2017.
“Innovation and play”, Innovation: Organization and Management, 19, 1: 86-90, 2016. doi.10.1080/14479338.2016.1264863
“An integrated indicator system for patent portfolios: evidence from the telecommunication manufacturing industry”, L. Guo, M. Zhang, M. Dodgson and H. Cai, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 27, 6: 600-613, 2016. doi.10.1080/09537325.2016.1220514
“Dynamic capabilities for complex projects: the case of London Heathrow Terminal 5”. A. Davies, M. Dodgson, and D. Gann, Project Management Journal, 47, 2:26-46, 2016. doi: 10.1002/pmj.21574
“Managing digital money”, Academy of Management Journal, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, I. Wladawsky-Berger, N. Sultan, G. George, 58, 2: 325-333, 2015.
“Innovation strategy in new transportation systems: the case of Crossrail”. M. Dodgson, D. Gann, S. MacAulay and A. Davies, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 77:261-275, 2015.
“Innovation in Taiwan”. M-C. Hu, T. Kastelle, M. Dodgson. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 15, 4: 396-404, 2013.
“Organizational learning and the technology of foolishness: the case of virtual worlds in IBM”, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, and N. Phillips, Organization Science. 24, 5: 1358-1376, 2013.
“The Co-production of ‘Sustainability’: Negotiated Practices and the Prius”, R. Ozaki, I. Shaw, M. Dodgson, Science, Technology and Human Values, 38, 4: 518-541, 2013.
“The negotiated consumption of sustainability” R.Ozaki, I. Shaw, M. Dodgson, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29: 194-201, 2012.
"Government policy, university strategy and the academic entrepreneur: the case of Queensland’s Smart State Institutes", M. Dodgson and J. Staggs, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36, 2: 567-586, 2012.
“Inside the world of the project baron”, D. Gann, A. Salter, M. Dodgson, N. Phillips, MIT Sloan Management Review, 53, 3: 63-71, 2012.
“Technological innovation and complex systems in cities”, M. Dodgson and D. Gann, Journal of Urban Technology, 18, 3: 99-111, 2011.
“Systems thinking, market failure, and the development of innovation policy: The case of Australia”, M. Dodgson, A. Hughes, J. Foster and S. Metcalfe, Research Policy, 40, 9: 1145-1156, 2011.
“Exploring new combinations in innovation and entrepreneurship: social networks, Schumpeter, and the case of Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795)”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 20, 4: 1119-1151, 2011.
“Physical-digital integration in city infrastructure”, D. Gann, M. Dodgson, D. Bhardwaj, IBM Journal of Research and Development, 55, 1/2: 1-10, 2011.
“Adopting and consuming innovations”, R. Ozaki and M. Dodgson, Prometheus, 28, 4: 311-326, 2010.
“Engineers and Services Innovation”, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, I. Wladawsky-Berger, Ingenia, Royal Academy of Engineers, 44: 33-35, 2010.
"Asia's national innovation systems: institutional adaptability and rigidity in the face of global innovation challenges," Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 26: 589-609, 2009.
“Innovation in China”, M. Dodgson and L. Xue, Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 11, 1: 2-5, 2009.
“Innovate with Vision”, D. Gann and M. Dodgson, Ingenia, The Royal Academy of Engineering, 36: 45-49, 2008.
“The evolving nature of Taiwan’s national innovation system: The case of biotechnology innovation networks”, M. Dodgson, J. Mathews, T. Kastelle, MC Hu, Research Policy, 37: 430-445, 2008.
“’In Case of Fire, Please Use the Elevator’: Simulation Technology and Organization in Fire Engineering”, M. Dodgson, D. Gann and A. Salter, Organization Science, 18, 5: 849-864, 2007.
‘“A Roasted Duck Can Still Fly Away”: A Case Study of Technology, Nationality, Culture and the Rapid and Early Internationalization of the Firm.’ M. Zhang and M. Dodgson, Journal of World Business, 42:336-349, 2007.
“The Impact of Modelling and Simulation Technology on Engineering Problem Solving”, M. Dodgson, D. Gann and A. Salter, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19, 4: 471-489, 2007.
“The Evolving Role of Research Consortia in East Asia”, M. Dodgson, J. Mathews, T. Kastelle, Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 8, 1-2: 84-101, 2006.
“Managing Complexity in Complex Product Systems: Lessons from the Development of a New Satellite”, J. Moody and M. Dodgson, Journal of Technology Transfer, 31: 567-588, 2006.
“The Role of Technology in the Shift Towards Open Innovation: the Case of Procter and Gamble”, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, A. Salter, R&D Management, 36, 3: 329-342, 2006.
“Strategic Research Partnerships in Asia”, M. Sakakibara and M. Dodgson, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 15, 2: 227-246, 2003.
“The Intensification of Innovation”, M. Dodgson, D. Gann, A. Salter, International Journal of Innovation Management, 6, 1: 3-83, 2002.
“Contributing Factors to the Diffusion of IT within Small and Medium-Sized Firms in Indonesia”, H. Utomo and M. Dodgson, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 4, 2: 22-37, 2001.
“Indicators Used to Measure the Innovation Process: defects and possible remedies”, M. Dodgson and S. Hinze, Research Evaluation, 8, 2: 101-114, 2000.
“What Role for Management in Science”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 11, 2: 133-141,1999.
“Learning to Innovate - Korean Style: the Case of Samsung”, M. Dodgson and Y. Kim, International Journal of Innovation Management, 1, 1: 53-67, 1997.
“Achieving Complementarities of Size Advantages in New Product Development: the Case of Multimedia in Japan”, M. Dodgson, M. Sako and J. Sapsed, International Journal of Technology Management, Special Publication on Emerging Technological Frontiers to International Competition: p183-205, 1995.
“The Japanese Industrial System: an Essay Review”, Prometheus, 13, 1: 107-118, 1995.
“La Stratégie Technologique dans les PME: Quelques Particularités et Caractéristiques”, Revue Internationale PME, 7, 3-4: 201-218, 1994.
“Organizational Learning: A Review of Some Literatures”, Organization Studies, 14,3: 375-394, 1993.
“Technology-Based SMEs: Their Role in Industrial and Economic Change”, R. Rothwell and M. Dodgson, International Journal of Technology Management. Special edition on 'Small Firms and Innovation: The External Influences', edited by M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell, 8, 5/6: 8-22, 1993.
“Strategies for Accumulating Technology in High Technology Small Firms: A Learning Approach and its Public Policy Implications”, International Journal of Technology Management. Special edition on 'Small Firms and lnnovation: The External Influences', edited by M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell, 8, 5/6: 161-170, 1993.
“Analytical Lenses on Innovation: A Research Note”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 5, 3: 323-328, 1993.
“Learning, Trust and Technological Collaboration”, Human Relations, 46, 1: 77-95, 1993.
“The Strategic Management of Technological Collaboration”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 4, 3: 227-244, 1992.
“The Future for Technological Collaboration”, Futures, 25, 2: 459-470, 1992.
“European Technology Policy Evolution: Convergence towards SMEs and Regional Technology Transfer”, R. Rothwell and M. Dodgson, Technovation, 12, 4: 223-238, 1992.
“Technological Collaboration: Problems and Pitfalls”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 4, 1: 83-88, 1992.
“Technological Learning, Technology Strategy and Competitive Pressures”, British Journal of Management, 2, 3: 133-150, 1991.
“Technology Strategy in Small Firms”, M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell, Journal of General Management, 17, 1: 5-55, 1991.
“The Management of Technological Collaboration”, Engineering Management Journal, 1, 4: 187-192, 1991.
“External Linkages and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Firms”, R. Rothwell and M. Dodgson, R&D Management, 21, 2: 125-137, 1991.
“Strategic Alignment and Organisational Options in Biotechnology Firms”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 3, 2: 115-126, 1991.
“The Management of Corporate Technology Strategy”, International Journal of Technology Management, 95-103, 1991.
“National and Regional Technology Policies in Europe: Trends and Convergence”, R. Rothwell and M. Dodgson, European Research, 1, 6: 7-13, 1990.
“The Shock of the New: The Formation of Celltech and the British Technology Transfer System”, Industry and Higher Education, 4, 2: 97-104, 1990.
“Innovation Policy in Western Europe”, M. Dodgson and I. Miles, Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 5, 3: 62-66, 1990.
“Research and Technology Policy in Australia: Legitimacy in Intervention”, Science and Public Policy, 16, 3: 159-166, 1989.
“Technology-based Small and Medium Sized Firms in Europe: the IRDAC Results and their Public Policy Implications”, R. Rothwell and M. Dodgson, Science and Public Policy, 16, 1: 9-18, 1989.
“Small Firm Policy in the UK”, M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell, Technovation, 7, 3: 231-247, 1988.
“Small Firms, Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Flexibility”, Journal of General Management, 12, 3: 58-75, 1987.
“Trade Union Policies on New Technology: Their Effectiveness in Facing the Challenges of the 1980s”, M. Dodgson and R. Martin, New Technology Work & Employment, 2,1: 9-18, 1987.
“New Technology, Employment and Small Engineering Firms”, International Small Business Journal, 3, 2: 118-119, 1984.