Conference papers

"Innovation management research: past, present and future', keynote presentation, ALTEC2017, Mexico City, 16th October, 2017.

‘Windows of Opportunity, Technological Innovation, and Globalization: Huawei's Global Catch-up’, Zhang, M., Guo, L., Dodgson, M. and Gann, D. Academy of Management, August 5-9 , 2016. Anaheim, California. Published in proceedings of best papers.

‘To add beauty to utility: Strategies for integrating fine arts and manufacturing in England c.1750-1850’, Casson, C., and Dodgson, M., Business History Society Conference, Berlin, 30th May, 2016.

‘Has Huawei Achieved Catch-up with Forerunners?: Overall vs Core Technological Capability’ Guo, L., Zhang, M., Dodgson. M. and Hong. C. Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, 11th August, 2015.  

‘The making of cluster ecosystems: An exploratory analytical framework for the emergence, dynamics and performance of clusters’, Ter Wal, A., Corbishley, C., Dodgson, M. and Gann, D.Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, 11th August, 2015.  

‘Innovation Strategy in Temporary Organizations’ MacAulay S, Davies, A, Dodgson M. Strategic Management Society Conference, Madrid, 22nd September, 201.

‘Organising Innovation in Temporary Organizations: Preliminary Findings and Future Research Directions’. MacAulay, S., Davies, A., and Dodgson, M.,  EGOS Conference, Rotterdam, July 3-5, 2014.

‘An Integrated Patent Indicator System for Patent Portfolios: Evidence from the Telecommunication Manufacturing Industry’. (2014) Guo, L., Zhang, M., Dodgson, M., Cai, H. R&D Management Conference, Stuttgart, June 3-6, 2014.

'The Negotiated Consumption of Sustainability. The Case of the Hybrid Car', Ozaki, R, Shaw, lend Dodgson, M (2010) paper presented at the Journal of Management Studies/Society for the Advancement of Management Studies conference: The Foundations of Sustainability, Loughborough University, 27-29 September 2010. 

'Front iconic design to lost luggage: Innovation at Heathrow Terminal 5’ (with A. Davies and D. Gann), presented at DRUID Conference. Copenhagen, 17th. 19thJune, 2009. 

'The evolution of innovation systems’ (with T. Kastelle and J. Potts), presented at DRUID Conference. Copenhagen, 17th-19th June, 2009. 

'Playful technologies: creativity, innovation and organization (with D. Gann and C. Coopmans), presented at DRUID's 25th Anniversary Conference, Copenhagen, June 17th-20th, 2008. 

'Asia's national innovation systems: institutional adaptability and rigidity in the face of global innovation challenges'. Keynote address prepared for the: Asia Pacific Journal of Management conference on Varieties of Asian Capitalism: Indigenization and Internationalization, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 10-12 December, 2007. 

'A Roasted Duck Can Still Fly Away: national culture and the failure of internationalization and loss of technological advantage by an entrepreneurial start-up' (with M. Zhang), presented at the Academy of International Business conference, Beijing 23rd-26t1r June, 2006. 

'The changing nature of innovation networks in Taiwan: from imitation to innovation? (with J. Mathews, M-C Hu, T. Kastelle), presented at the DRUID Summer Conference, Copenhagen Business School, June 18th-21st, 2006. 

'The Evolving Role of Research Consortia in East Asia' (with J. Mathews, T. Kastelle). Paper presented at the Globelics conference, Innovation Systems and Development, Emerging Opportunities ancl Challenges, Beijing, 18-21st October, 2004 

'Innovation technology: exploring the impact of simulations on the innovation process' (with D. Gann, A. Salter). Paper presented at DRUID Summer Conference 2004: Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, Helsingore, Denmark. 

'Technological Collaboration and Alliances, Strategic Learning and Industrial Development in East Asia' keynote address presented at the Latin American Association of Technology Management, ALTEC 2003, UAM, Mexico City, 22-25 October, 2003. 

'The Intensification of Innovation and the Management of Knowledge' (with D. Gann, A. Salter). Paper presented at the conference, Knowledge and Economic and Social Change: New Challenges to Innovation Studies, Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester, 7-9 April, 2003. 

'The University in the Knowledge Economy'. Paper presented at the conference, Rectors and Entrepreneurs', South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 16th November, 2002. 

'The Co-evolution of Innovation Intermediary Organizations and National Innovation Systems in Asia'. Paper presented at the APEC R&D Leaders Conference, Phuket, 20th November, 2002. 

'Measuring Innovation: Indicators Used to Measure the Innovation Process: Defects and Possible Remedies' with Sybille Hinze). Paper presented at the international conference, Measuring and Evaluating Industrial R&D and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy, Taipei, 23-24th August, 2001. 

'The Intensification of Innovation' with D. Gann, A. Salter). Paper presented at the R&D Management conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 7-9 February, 2001. 

'Strategic Research Partnerships: Their Role, and Some Issues of Measuring Their Extent and Outcomes — Experiences from Europe and Asia'. Paper Presented at the SRI International/National Science Foundation Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships, Washington, 13th October, 2000. 

'Going South? The Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization and Innovation in the Minerals Industry' with Sarah Vandermark). Paper presented at the conference: South, South, South, Sydney, 22-23 May, 2000. 

'Measuring the Innovation Process' (with Sybille Hinze), Paper presented at the international conference on Data and Strategies in Evaluating Research and Development, Canberra, 15-16th November, 1999. 

'Developing Policies for Science, Technology and Innovation in East Asia: Building National Innovation Systems. Paper presented at the Conference on Perspectives on Public Policy in the 21st Century, National University of Singapore, 6-8th September, 1999. 

'Technological Collaboration: Challenges for the Future' Paper presented at the 2nd APEC Technomart Conference, Taipei, 19th-26th January 1998. 

'Innovation Policies in East Asia' Paper presented at the International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, Macau, June 2-4th 1997. 

'Innovation Policy in Asian NIEs' Paper presented at the Science and Technology Policy Institute conference on Industrialisation and Competitiveness in Newly Industrialising Nations, Seoul, 26-28th May 1997. 

'The Management of Science' Paper presented at the New Horizons Colloquium on Science and Technology, New Delhi, 2 November 1996. 

'Research Management: Oxygenator or Oxymoron?'. Paper presented at the Nature Conference 'Nurturing Creativity in Research', Canberra, 26-28 November 1995
'Managing Business in Asia - a New Teaching and Research Initiative' (with B. Stening). Paper presented at the Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Murdoch University, Perth, June 20-23, 1995.  

'The Difficulties in Measuring Innovation'. Keynote Address, OECD Conference on Innovation Indicators, Canberra, 21-23 April 1994. 

'The Successful Management of External Linkages in Innovation'. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta GA, 8-11 August 1993. 

'Learning, Trust and Interfirm Technological Linkages: Some Theoretical Associations'. Paper presented at the International Conference on Advances in Sociological and Economic Approaches to Technology. Department of Economics, University of Manchester, 21-22 April 1993. 

'Growth and Renewal in Technology-Based SMEs: The Role of External Technology'. (with R. Bothwell). Paper presented at the International Conference on Birth and Start-up of Small Firms, Milan, 18- 19 June 1992. 

'Strategies for Accumulating Technology in Small High Tech Firms: A Learning Approach and its Public Policy Implications' (with R. Rothwell). Paper presented at the Six Countries' Workshop Technical Competence and Firm Strategy —Implications for Public Policy. Stockholm, 5-6 November 1991. 

'Problems of Supporting Small and Medium-Sized R&D Intensive Firms in Western Europe'. Paper presented at the International Workshop: The Role of EC Investment in Promoting R&D Capability and Technological Innovation in Eastern European Countries: Scientific Goals and Financial Instruments. Brussels, 19-20 September, 1991. 

'Prospects of the International Technological Environment Towards the 21 st Century Lessons from the Collaboration Phenomenon'. Paper presented at STEP! International Symposium on Emerging New International Technology Order: Opportunities and Challenges for Korea. Seoul, 5 Sept. 1991. 

'Technological Collaboration: Problems and Pitfalls'. Paper presented at the Conference SPRU at 25: Perspectives of the Future of Science and Technology Policy. University of Sussex, 3-4 July 1991. 

'European Technology Policy Evolution: Convergence towards SMEs and Regional Technology Transfer'. (with R. Rothwell). Paper presented at the European Research Conference on Interregional Technological Cooperation in Europe - Current Trends and Industrial Perspectives for the 1990s. Madrid 23- 24 October 1990. 

'Strategy and Technological Learning: An Interdisciplinary Microstudy'. Paper presented at the International Conference Firm Strategy and Technological Change: Micro Economics or Micro Sociology, The Manchester School of Management UMIST and Department of Economics, Manchester University, 27- 28 September 1990. 

'Technology Policy in Europe. Paper presented at the Conference Technology Policy in Uruguay: Fact or Fiction. Montevideo, 10-14 September 1990. Published in conference proceedings (in Spanish). 

'External Linkages and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Firms' with R. Rothwell). Paper presented for Silver Anniversary Conference R&D Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Manchester, 9-11 July 1990. 

'Technological Learning, Technology Strategy and Competitive Pressures'. Paper presented attire Conference Process of Knowledge Accumulation and the Formulation of Technology Strategy. Kalunclborg, Denmark, 20-23 May 1990. 

'National and Regional Technology Policies in Europe: Trends and Convergence'. By R. Rothwell and M. Dodgson. Paper presented at European Research Conference: New Perspectives and Research on the European Community. University of Nottingham, 10-It April 1990. 

'Strategies for Technological Accumulation in Innovative Small and medium Sized Firms'. By M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell. Paper presented at the Symposium on Growth and Development of Small High Tech Businesses. Cranfield Institute of Technology, 2-3 April 1990. Published in Proceedings: Millman, T and Saker, J (eds) Growth and Development of Small High-Tech Businesses. 

'Strategies for Technological Learning: New Forms of Organisational Structure'. Paper presented at the AFROS Conference on Organisations Technologies and Culture. Australian National University, Canberra, 13-15 December 1989. 

'Financing Early-Stage Innovation in Small Firms (Flexible and Broad-Ranging Support Packages)' (with R. Rothwell). Paper presented at the European Conference, Enterprise Innovation and 1992: Innovation Support Services in Europe. Nice, 26-27 October 1989. Published in the Conference Proceedings. 

'Regional Technology Policies: The Development of Regional Technology Transfer Infrastructures (with R Rothwell). Paper presented at Third International Workshop on Innovation Technology Change and Spatial Impacts. 3-5 September 1989, Cambridge. 

'Technology Strategy in Small and Medium-Sized Firms'. Paper presented at the International Conference on Small Business Economics. Berlin, 17-18 November 1988. 

'Small Firm Policy in the UK. with R. Rothwell). Paper presented at the Conference on Small and Medium-Sized Firms in the EC. Augsburg, 17-19 September 1987. 

'Technology-based Small Firms in Europe: The IRDAC Results and Their Public Policy Implications (with R. Rothwell). Paper presented at Second International Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Symposium. Birmingham, 1-4 September 1987. Published in the Conference Proceedings. 

'High-growth Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Firms in Europe'. Paper presented at ISPIM Conference: Innovation Adaptation and Growth. Brighton, 24-26 August, 1987. 

'Small Firms' Investment in, and Use of, CNC Machine Tools; Lessons for Flexible Use'. Paper presented for EC Symposium on New Production Systems Implications for work and training in the factory of the future. Turin, 2-4 July 1986.